The animal Market in Sharjah sells all sorts of animals including domestic pets and wild life which is illegal. After… read more
Ghost and Bear were involved in an incident with small horse next to our horses agistment property. The council was… read more
Animals in shelters should not be killed. read more
The Times Argus in Barre Vt. wrote an artical on Monday Oct. 22nd about two oxen named Bill and Lou… read more
Lines over one hundred miles in length leave sharks to suffocate and die from drowning while not swimming. read more
The animal is only as viscous as the owner makes them. The pitbull is a really loving breed as long… read more
Colin Barnett wants to cull the great white shark population in Western Australia. Sharks are already endangered without reducing their… read more
Coalition Against Dog Eating (CADE) is an international campaign to highlight and combat the cruelty of the Asian dog meat… read more
Lou and Bill are two oxen that used to work on the college farm for ten years before Lou got… read more
Πριν λιγες μερες τα σκυλια του κεντρου της Αλεξανδρουπολης μεταφερθηκαν παρανομα σε ενα περιφραγμενο χωρο ιδιοκτησιας του Δημου με σκοπο… read more