Hue Vang and 10 others were arrested for suspected intent to violate the Neutrality Act to over throw the Lao… read more
Many spiritual people stay away from the Litha Stonehenge Summer Solstice because of party goers who are: Openly being drunken… read more
Trying to get the bicycle race removed from Pelham. It is a major inconvenience and bad for local businesses and… read more
In August of 2002 my 12 year old grandson Chris Cejas was beaten to death in Sacramento California by his… read more
Ova peticija ima svrhu da uveri RTV B92 da serija Buntovnici je jedna od trenutno najpopularnijih serija u Srbiji iako… read more
There is a growing problem in this country which stems from online pornographic sites. There are increased cases of children… read more
Darren Hayes is a very talented singer and he has lots of fans in Egypt who wish he would perform… read more
Basically the Your Favorite Enemies fanbase in Australia is starting to build and I'm sure that their fans would agree… read more
就现在学生宿舍的情况来看,大部分同学是不愿意进行搬迁的, 本来一个宿舍已经分摊了的洗衣机等电器和生活用品的钱,还有已经办了ADSL包年的同学等.而且搬迁的决定,完全忽略了宿友之间的感情,忽略了人性,忽略实际生活上的不便等等.完全没有把同学的生活考虑摆在首位,只是一味像规划物品一样把一样的物品摆在一起,只对规划者起到便利,而我们不是物品,是人.这样突如其来的搬迁为我们造成了极大的不便!
為響應前美國副總統戈爾先生(Al GORE), SOS 及 等機構號召世人去對抗氣候變暖的危機,香港「基督徒環保關注組」決定於網上及2007年7月7日所舉辦的2場「活力地球好約會」聚會中,收集簽名聯署致香港政府的聲明,以提醒及支持香港政府要立即和堅決地展開消弭氣候變暖的危機!