It is a frequent occurrence to find young children under the age of 5 in R rated and violent movies… read more
Frankie Vidal, James Roberts, Austin Blake, and now Justin Schjoth. These are just a few people who have been hit… read more
For my social psychology assignment we've been told to start a petition to raise the legal drinking age to 21! read more
65 kids each year are kidnapped while on their way to or from school by strangers. Even more are kidnapped… read more
In 1997, the Campbell Ranch Corporation donated 40 acres to the Great Southwest Council for the purpose of constructing a… read more
Chantaey's Story. My name is Carla Fenton Katchmar, and on July 1st 2012 our 16 year old daughter Chantaey Katchmar… read more
I want to start a petition in honor of my son Devin, who has been in remission from children's cancer… read more
WNSL is trying to take BSAA from our community and make it a part of their organization. read more
Εμείς που υπογράφουμε αυτήν την έκκληση απευθυνόμαστε προς τον Υπουργό Εσωτερικών κ. Ευριπίδη Στυλιανίδη, τους βουλευτές της εκλογικής περιφέρειας β’… read more
Leanne has been running the cafe since it opened 2 years ago and we hope to keep it that way.… read more