Canadian Navy destroyers, tankers, and destroyer escort ships built in the 1950's and 1960's contained toxic PCB's: "Any of a… read more
32,226 is the number of our military injured in Iraq. 17,644 is the number of our military injured in Afghanistan.… read more
Azərbaycan ordusunda özbaşınalıq halları və müəmmalı əsgər ölümlərinə son qoyulması üçün təcili tədbirlər görülsün. read more
Valley marine calls himself to duty at an Elementary school. Sgt. Craig Pusley wears his desert camo fatigues... no weapons...… read more
We, the undersigned, call upon the President of the United States to bestow the Medal of Honor on Will Cannon… read more
This page "Fuck the troops" is a facebook page that has been started that disgraces any member of our armed… read more
This is a sick, vile, disgusting page that should never be allowed for obvious reasons. It contradicts Facebooks policy and… read more
Well over 3000 men and women have died in the war on terror since 9/11/01. The last few years have… read more
PLEASE HELP ME AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!!!!! Go to: STOP Veteran Benefit CUTS and like the page please!!! Everyone atleast… read more
In 2009 a War Memorial Plaque was placed to honor ANZAC and Assyrian allied forces of both world wars in… read more