FEBRUARY 20, 2014: Mashhad Intelligence agents arrested Rouhollah Tavana, 34, at his home in Mashhad in October 2011. According to… read more
During the recent student unrest in Venezuela, the government has attacked demonstrators using firearms and unrestrained brutality. Students have been… read more
Iran has secretly executed two Ahwazi Arab rights activists. The two of five Al Hiwar Cultural-Scientific Institution members were transferred… read more
This petition calls for a change in the Law on Domestic Violence/Campus Assault. read more
Zimbabwe's water crisis has robbed millions of residents of human dignity, and put thousands of households' at risk of Typhoid… read more
Âgé de 72 ans, Masood Ahmad - médecin britannique - est injustement emprisonné depuis 57 jours au Pakistan pour avoir… read more
We demand immediate and unconditional release of Heshmat Tabarzadi.
ما خواهان آزادی بلافاصله و بی قید… read more
STOP FINANCIAL SUPPORT of Islamic EXTREMISTS around the world. Don't let extremists kill YOUTH, FAMILIES and People with different ideology;… read more
This petition has been put together by a group of concerned citizens of the European Union in response to the… read more
33 Jahren haben Vreni und Simon Antener ihre Fähre betrieben, ohne dass es einen Zwischenfall gab. Seit Ende Dezember dürfen… read more