www.humanrightstorch.org An international campaign that seeks to bring an end to all human rights abuses against the people of China,… read more
Arigona wollte durch Drohung mit Selbstmord ein Beibrecht für sich und die illegal in Österreich eingereiste Familie erzwingen. Und hört… read more
Am 14.12.2007 hat Innenminister Platter Arigona und Nurie Zogaj das humanitäre Bleiberecht verweigert. Dagegen wehren wir uns. read more
A group of participants form countries in the Asia Pacific in the Diplomacy Training Program recently conducted by the UNSW… read more
Some 1,000 people each day are killed by small arms, including 250 in conflict areas. A growing number of these… read more
La communauté marocaine en Algérie est la plus ancienne des communautés de ce pays ; de ce fait, beaucoup de… read more
First Nations living in Urban Area's would like to see an Audit of Money given to Kawacatoose. read more
1. Our purpose is to: a) Offer moral support to Mark Steyn, Ezra Levant, and all prior victims of the… read more
The UK police now have more DNA samples than any other country. Over 7% of the UK's population is on… read more
Dear Friends: As part of the crackdown on protests against emergency/martial law, the Government of Pakistan recently brought sedition charges… read more