- Target:
- All People of Conscience
- Region:
- Website:
- www.humanrightstorch.org
An international campaign that seeks to bring an end to all human rights abuses against the people of China, while highlighting the persecution of Falun Gong - the most severely persecuted group in China today.
During the run up to the 2008 Olympics, the HRTR will host events in 37 countries across six continents to present its message: The Olympics and crimes against humanity cannot coexist in China.
The Tibetan, Burmese, and Vietnamese communities, the Darfur Support Network (Sudan), Chinese democracy groups, student groups, former Olympians, and representatives from sports and politics are among the relay participants.
Whereas; The Global Human Rights Torch Relay is an international campaign initiated by diverse dignitaries from The Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG – www.cipfg.org) that seeks to bring an end to all human rights abuses against the people of China, while highlighting the persecution of Falun Gong - the most severely persecuted group in China today, accounting for 66% of all cases of torture in China according to UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Novak.
而;全球人權火炬接力活動是一項國際運動,由多元文化背景的專家學者及各國的政府官員所組成的調查中共迫害法輪功聯盟(CIPFG - w ww.cipfg.org)所發起,旨在結束所有對中國百姓的人權侵害,並同時突出迫害法輪功-在中國受到最嚴重迫害的團體。據聯合國特別背景報告員曼弗雷德諾瓦克(Manfred Novak)對關於酷刑的報告中表示,中共在全國進行的酷刑案件中,對法輪功的迫害比率佔6 6%。
Whereas; China was granted the right to host the Olympic Games after it pledged to adhere to the Olympic charter and improve its human rights record; yet, according to respected international human rights organisations and global media, its human rights abuses have worsened.
We, the undersigned, call for an end to the severe human rights abuses currently being perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party, such as; excessive and unjust use of the death penalty; persecution of peaceful religious believers and minority groups, persecution of rights activists and lawyers; severe internet and media censorship; forceful harvesting of organs from political dissidents and prisoners of conscience including Falun Gong practitioners.
We, the undersigned, support The Global Human Rights Torch Relay, and call on sports persons, governments and humanitarian organisations around the world to support this worthy cause.
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The Support the Global Human Rights Torch Relay petition to All People of Conscience was written by Ming Guo and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.