Keyvan Samimi (62 years old) is an Iranian journalist who was arrested on June the 14th 2009, soon after the… read more
Some of Iranian refugees in Athens, Greece waiting their request for asylum from UNHCR, have gone on hunger strike after… read more Did you know that there are a billion people starving worldwide? Around 29,000 of children under the age of… read more Sabías que en el mundo hay mil millones de personas que pasan hambre? Alrededor de 29,000 niños y niñas… read more
This petition is regarding North Cyprus and performers who are wishing to come to the Island to perform for their… read more
Arman Rezakhani is a student protester who has been held in various sections of Evin Prison, including sections 2A, 7… read more
Following the Ashura protests over the disputed presidential elections, hundreds of people were detained and many received heavy sentences. Farah… read more
*UPDATE February 25, 2011* January 20th: The Supreme Court has overturned Farah Vazehan’s death sentence. HOWEVER, even though her death… read more
18 year old Ebrahim Hamidi was sentenced to death two years ago at the age of 16 for an unspecified… read more
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has approved building new nuclear sites for enriching uranium, the latest step in expanding Iran's nuclear… read more