魚翅婚宴。人情七折 Discount our gift money for shark-fin banquets 作為「粉紅色炸彈」的接受人,傳統以來我們無法影嚮主人家把不環保的魚翅從菜單上拿走。即使我們到時在現場冒着大不諱拒絕進食,也於事無補。。。 同時,香港人大都心裡明白,參加囍宴其實是「用者自付」的。我們做的「人情」,其實正是整個「囍宴經濟圈」背後的經濟火車頭! 既然如此,何不釜底抽薪?因此,我們倡議大家在此聯署表明,如囍宴菜單上有魚翅這道菜,我們會把「人情」打七折,餘款捐給環保團體。 只要多人嚮應,慢慢地必會把舊思想改變過來,使人們明白: 宴會上沒有魚翅不會沒有面子;相反,有了魚翅才會失禮客人。 一人出一分力,把濫殺鯊魚這個問題解决。為我們的下一代保留一個美好的地球! 請廣邀您的朋友參加。 As banquet goers, traditionally we… read more
When entire bee populations disappear or die out or are exterminated in large numbers, the ramifications are serious. According to… read more
Wij; buurtbewoners, wandelaars, joggers, fietsers, mountainbikers, ruiters, natuurliefhebbers, dagjestoeristen, bezoekers van het kerkhof van Hoegaarden constateren • dat een bouwaanvraag… read more
A planning application for a very large memorial monument in The Green Park threatens this natural open space. The Green… read more
An eastern Province has taken a proactive approach toward Renewable Energy and those who use it by implementing a Feed… read more
We insist the application for the Exploits River Gravel/Sand Quarry (Registration #1477) submitted by Penney Paving Ltd. be refused. This… read more
Phuket is an island in the Andaman sea, its is a small island and much of its income is dependent… read more
The private contractors were willing to carry out the works for a considerable charge, but would sell the fish as… read more
Les puissants Lobbyistes de Monsanto sont arrive a faire adopter par le gouverment Burkinabe (en echange de quoi?) les grains… read more