為響應前美國副總統戈爾先生(Al GORE), SOS 及 Avaaz.org 等機構號召世人去對抗氣候變暖的危機,香港「基督徒環保關注組」決定於網上及2007年7月7日所舉辦的2場「活力地球好約會」聚會中,收集簽名聯署致香港政府的聲明,以提醒及支持香港政府要立即和堅決地展開消弭氣候變暖的危機!
A request for lights at village entrances, originally by members of the Rural Committee of Sai Kung North to the… read more
Lowland raised peatbogs are areas of land which contain a wide variety of animal and plant life, some of which… read more
Our water wells are being contaminated with oil or leaking oil. These water wells were drilled years before Conico/Phillips came… read more
A large number of Utility & Power companies along with various state PUC's have set extreemly low and restrictive caps… read more
We own a party store bait shop on a canal but the mouth of the canal is closed off so… read more
Through the years, there have been many jokes about Global Warming! I wish for this nonsense humor (that goes for… read more
Pinellas County has provided one of the most successful Artificial Reef Programs in the state of Florida. This program has… read more
Les sociétés Fedex et Codic ont introduit une demande de permis d'urbanisme et de permis d'environnement à la commune de… read more
The New Flight Path over the southourn Cairns Corridor of housing is not nessisary as there was nothing wrong with… read more