This petition has been put together to outline the demand for a school to be built on the site PS7… read more
NOTE: THE PLACE TO SIGN THE PETITION IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE Citizens across the state of Washington… read more
The Oswego City School Board is proposing to close Minetto Elementary and add an addition on the Oswego Middle School.… read more
************* "Project James" needs your assistance in its national efforts to get the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee to issue a… read more
Nepal: you may all know that this beautiful country still lives as third world country. The researches shows that more… read more
Traditionally the WKCE has been a pencil and paper test, taking up time, money, and trees. Basically, a waste of… read more
"The library - STAFFED BY A HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHER-LIBRARIAN - is an INTEGRAL and INDISPENSABLE component of the unique learning… read more
Tom Rains has been in this position for 11 years and has never once been on any kind of warning… read more
As graduating Spring 2008 Art and Visual Technology Photography Concentration majors, we are concerned about the conflicting Spring 2008 class… read more
「關注CCCU課程質素」簽名行動 「老師們要轉職了,我尊重他們的決定,可是我很痛心,我們將來的師弟師妹會接受怎樣的教育呢? 他們都要承受這動盪不安的學生生涯嗎?」 校方在未有充分考慮學生福祉的情況下,將112位具有5年或以上城大副學士教學經驗的資深教職員(即於2003年以前入職城大任教副學士的實任制老師)調職,重新以合約制形式及較差的待遇聘請新老師以填補該些空缺。我們擔心,調職事件會影響課程質素及穩定性,進一步影響外界對副學士的印象。 我們反對: * 倉卒落實調職方案.漠視學生權益 * 商業模式管理學校.教育質素無保障 * 副學士政策問題漫延.城大師生首成犧牲品 (詳情可瀏覽本關注組論壇: