鼓楼区建设局、区老城改造办公室等部门决定:将在我校东侧开辟马路,需占用学校土地;学校东南角原预留给我校作教育用地的高家酒馆盔头巷口地块可能在拆迁后改造成休闲街区。对此,我们在震惊之余表示坚决反对。 金陵中学已有120年历史(明年是120周年校庆),是前人留给南京市的一份厚重的遗产。陶行知(教育家)、吴仲华(物理学家)、宗白华(美学家)、程千帆(文史学家)等一批杰出人才都是其校友。现在依然健在的知名校友中有齐康(建筑学家)、吴敬琏、厉以宁(经济学家)和高行健(诺贝尔文学奖得主)等。最近20年来,我校的教育改革成果也为世人有目共睹,研究性学习、创新实验室均在全市乃至全省有相当的影响。我校校园规整,树木葱茏,环境优美,这在市中心区是罕见的。对于这样一所历史 悠久、底蕴深厚、为南京市的教育做出过较大贡献的名校,理应得到切实有效的保护。这是实施建设教育名城战略的需要,也是提升南京整体形象的需要。
The University of Edinburgh has shown this year's cohort of Medicine graduates complete disrespect regarding our graduation ceremony. The ceremony… read more
Une étudiante libanaise a besoin de votre aide. En ce moment en master 1, on lui refuse de préparer son… read more
Victoria Baschzok-Brown is a wonderful teacher who has taught others to be tolerant of all different peoples. She is a… read more
A student has tried to enroll at his local high school for the last 4-5 months, however the school has… read more
Im sure everybody is excited to go to a new school..But when you here"OH and it is a lovely uniform"Your… read more
Having heard Halton Borough Council's plans to 'Build Schools for the Future', it has left those connected to Fairfield High… read more
In the following year some students will try to fulfill their dreams of becoming a journalist or a advertisement guru… read more
Pivot Point Internationals Instructors, are not reviewing exams given to students. It is a proven fact that reviewing an exam… read more