The "Unborn Victims of Crime Act" (Bill C-484) passed a Second Reading vote in Parliament on March 5. It is… read more
The PLA are intending to extend the speed limit (between 12 to 15 knots) from Cherry Gardens, Wapping to Cross… read more
At the start of a new year, two books of parking passes have been given to the Shareholders at Skyview.… read more
Les soussignés s'opposent à la nomination de Tony Blair comme président du Conseil de l'Union Européenne read more
Petition [EN]: We, European citizens of all origins and of all political persuasions, wish to express our total opposition… read more
Witam serdecznie wszystkich, którzy poświęcą chwilę na przeczytanie tej petycji. Czy ją podpiszecie, czy nie – zależy to tylko od… read more
I want to get General Mills cereal company to bring back the old favourite cereal, of nearly anyone born in… read more
Ok, so now Billy and Mandy is no longer having episode been made. Maxwell Atoms is into making a new… read more
Recently, the commercial services section of the university have increased the prices in all the campus vending machines by as… read more
In November 2006, with water levels falling at Warragamba dam, the NSW Government approved the construction of a desalinated plant… read more