Jäiko Asikkalan kunnan Hulivilin piha kunnostus kesken? Lapsille kunnon piha lasten leikkeihin, kiitos! read more
At present, the only mobile phone company in Canada, with full right on the market are Bell, Telus, Rogers and… read more
為「蘋果」代工的蘇州台資電子代工廠「勝華」的子公司「聯建(中國)科技」,2009年底因採用有機溶劑「正己烷」拭擦蘋果手提電話,以致工人集體中毒。沉默了一年多的蘋果已於2月15日發布的《供應商責任進展報告》,承認聯建為其供應商,並於2月22日派員向中毒工人了解情況,同日,工人向蘋果總裁喬布斯撰寫公開信,唯至今蘋果仍未正面回覆工人的訴求。 美國時間3月2日,當蘋果的平板電腦Ipad 2矚目登場時,仍有22名的中毒工友與聯建洽商,要求復檢及後續治療。工人亦指出,雖然車間已經安裝抽風系統,但替換正己烷的有機溶劑-「丙酮」及「異丙醇」仍具一定刺激性或毒性,可致頭痛、暈眩,具過敏甚或致癌等慢性損害,而工廠提供予工人的防護裝備明顯不足,只有每天一張薄薄的紙質口罩,不足以過濾溶劑揮發時的氣體。但直至3月3日,蘋果及聯建仍未給予工人正面的答覆。 read more
In 2009 a number of workers from United Win (China), a Suzhuo based electronic manufacturer and a subsidiary of Wintek… read more
If we open our oil reserves the price for gas oil and diesel fuel will go down tremendously. The price… read more
A citywide resolution to Bring Our War Dollars Home Now! Unemployment, housing, access to education and health care are all… read more
The time has come for UK governing bodies to rethink the development and use of wind power. Countries such as… read more
A Living Wage is the minimum level of pay required to maintain a decent standard of living. Unlike the minimum… read more
Coventry Citizens Advice Bureau’s debt advice service is funded by the Government’s Financial Inclusion Fund. The Financial Inclusion Fund is… read more
In the amount of time it will take to read this petition 60,000 bags are used in the United States… read more