The Iraqi people deserve an apology. Too often we hear politicians bending, sidestepping, spinning, obfuscating or plain denying the truth.… read more
George W. Bush has got to be the worst president in US History for the terror that he has brought… read more
Косово и Метохија је одувек била српска земља и с вером у Господа Бога и уз помоћ нашег братског руског… read more
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Peace be with us all. Under the appropriate and analytical observation of the existing and now… read more
Prince Harry will not be sent to Iraq, the head of the British army has said. General Sir Richard Dannatt… read more
Tranditional Chinese is more beautiful language than simplifier Chinese, and we love it. read more
Hello, I am an undergraduate student in South Korea. I learned through Korean press that the marking of the East… read more
All eight Democratic contenders for the United States presidency have attacked President Bush's policy in Iraq. Speakers urged the president… read more
Nasratollah Tajik is a diplomat detained in Britain who is to be extradited to the United States. read more
The Asian population in the City of San Leandro has grown rapidly over the past five years. According to the… read more