In 1968 Russian tanks rolled into Czechoslovakia to crush an emerging democracy. 40 years later, and Russia is trying to… read more
Residents and business owners in Phnom Penh's Lakeside district are protesting against the development of the area which will result… read more
El 27 de noviembre del 2006 la propuesta de Ley titulada: Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act S. 1926 y HR 4239… read more
The Ossetians are originally descendants of the Alans, a Sarmatian tribe. Under Mongol rule, they were pushed out of their… read more
Ever since abortion has been legal (also known as termination) it has been popular. countries have adapted to this trend… read more
Para pedir que se vaya a chingar mucho a su putisima, yunkera, PANista, y pelona madre el enano FECAL (Felipe… read more
Cuban immigrants who illegally migrate to the U.S. are allowed to stay once they set foot on American soil. With… read more
l'économie sociale et solidaire est une une forme d'organisation sociale qui respecte les valeurs de justice et d'égalité de chances… read more
Since Daniel Ortega’s election in 2006, Nicaragua has strengthened its relationship with Iran, dismantled democratic institutions and imposed party controlled… read more
In last 45 years, the world has never had to face a food crisis as extreme as the one the… read more