On Monday 4th October, George Osbourne confirmed that child benefit is to be axed for higher rate tax payers from… read more
The citizens of Indiana wish to respectfully but clearly declare that because the federal government has failed its obligation illegal… read more
Currently there is no provision for Citizens' Initiated Referendums basically because it then gives the citizens of Australia a REAL… read more
The current governing party of Canada has issued a directive that reference to "Government of Canada" should be replaced by… read more
The result of the Australian Federal election of 2010 was an absolute farce and a major insult to Democracy. A… read more
A call to the New York State Assembly to join the New York State Senate in abolishing the nearly 33… read more
On July 1, 2008 the New York State Legislature is to reduce the New York State Sales tax from 8.375%… read more
Background/Rationale The recent plan to scrap the Jensen Plan for an alternative plan for “Gess 8,” located in the Chilesburg… read more
The Geelong Library and Heritage Centre sits in the heart of Geelong’s Cultural Precinct, surrounded by the Geelong Gallery, Geelong… read more
Sign the petition and pass on the link to have others sign the petition to get the retirements of elected… read more