This petition is to have Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia re-open or pass a similar bill to… read more
A radio presenter has been sacked for remarks he made on air about the Queen's Christmas message. Comedian Tom Binns… read more
It has come to the attention of Canadian taxpayers that a number of films of dubious content have received tax… read more
Information you should know about to sign this petition. Edinburgh council has competitively tendered care and support services for 777… read more
EU Directive on Equal Treatment The Harassment Provision For more information please watch this video or go to… read more
Contra a utilização dos Jogos Olímpicos como uma ferramenta de propaganda de um dos regimes mais autoritários do mundo, que… read more
Gilad Shalit was kidnapped in Israel by Hamas militants in 2006. He is currently being held captive in Gaza and… read more
Along the dark corridors of Kenya's State House, President Mwai Kibaki was sworn in for the second term after a… read more
This is a petition to try to give gay and lesbian people a fair go in their community. read more
La Imran få bli! read more