#Civil Rights
UK Equality Minister The Rt. Hon Harriet Harman, QC,
United Kingdom

EU Directive on Equal Treatment
The Harassment Provision

For more information please watch this video http://www.ccfon.org/mediacentre.php?avid=266&avap=1
or go to

Please contact your MP, MEP & the UK Equality Minister
The latter is The Rt. Hon Harriet Harman, QC,
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
email : harmanh@parliament.uk

Details to locate your MP & MEP are on www.ccfon.org

London House Of Prayer are putting together a petition against this directive. Please put your name down in support.

The United against the EU Directive on Equal Treatment petition to UK Equality Minister The Rt. Hon Harriet Harman, QC, was written by LDNHOP and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.