It is not a surprise to any American that keeps up with the news that the financial crisis we are… read more
Today's economy is in a rapid decline in several sectors. As many as 200,000 homes as in foreclosure monthly. Unemployment… read more
HR 2755: has been created by presidential candidate Congressman Ron Paul and is due to go before the Congress for… read more
Competition is being strangled by large corporations such as walmart and home depot, which destroy small business. They merge with… read more
The buying and selling of credit derivatives based on unsafe mortgages by Wall Street traders was a primary reason for… read more
The Occupy Wall Street protests started a movement which spread across the country including Boston, Massachusetts. These protestors have camped… read more
Wall Street speculators drive up the price of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel by buying and selling oil with no… read more
Recently, a friend of mine, who was fighting for 18 months for a modification to her mortgage received an excellent… read more
The 2009 Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act, meant to outline future and enforce previous punishments for the Wall Street Executives… read more
After decades of national abuse, it has been decisively shown that a felony, titled “financial treason,” must be set in… read more