Goal and Purpose of Plan: Generate funds to invest in needed public infrastructure and facility projects which will stimulate commercial… read more
田生地產正為新鴻基地產於堅道18、20號的格蘭大廈、堅 信大廈進行收購,計劃重建。這項收購正對居住其中的年老居民做成嚴重影響,亦破壞他們長久經營的社區網絡。 而現年79歲的Ms. Singh正面臨迫遷,請大家支持Ms. Singh爭取原區樓換樓的安排,好讓她可安享晚年! read more
Richfield Group Holdings Limited has had its eyes set on Nos. 18 and 20 Caine Road. It is understood that… read more