Congress has singled out smokers for an unfair tax increase- and our representatives went along, voting to raise taxes on… read more
Authorities decided Wednesday not to pursue hate crime charges in the kidnapping and weeklong torture of a black woman, instead… read more
In Chicago Illinois On June 6, 2002 my beautiful grand-daughter Jasmine Vidol Mitchell entered the hospital, little did we know… read more
How can we not see the possibility of our youth rights being violated at these Job Corps Facilities.… read more
To:The Honorable Members of The Indiana General Assembly And The Honorable Governor Mitchell E. Daniels read more
If we can get their attention by getting many, many signatures, maybe they will make plans for a tour in… read more
Hi, I am a substitute teacher and am really enjoying what I do. However, I can’t help but feel that… read more
Background can be found on Wikipedia: This is a statement from Boston area students, academics, professionals and citizens to… read more
This Petition is being put in place because of all the tragic events involving buses. We have heard of so… read more
The law should simply state you can not pay cash, receive gift cards, or gift certificates, it should not say… read more