November 3, 2004 Please, sign up to have the show Charmed removed from TV. read more
We the people of Anita Terrace at 99-40 63rd Road, want you the management to put back the mirrors that… read more
HELP SAVE OUR CROSS AND ARTWORK depicting the BLOOD of JESUS. Soul Chasers Prayer and Outreach Center has only been… read more
Star and Timothy Joseph, self proclaimed, Original Haters of the Star and Buc Wild radio show, which is broadcast on… read more
Updated February 22, 2006 Preserve Our Heritage The words [Under God] - there is a movement to have them removed… read more
The goal of this petition is to (plan A) convince the Walt Disney Company to remove the Jetix programming block… read more
July 31, 2006 A tree preservation order has been placed on a tree unsuitable for a small front garden and… read more
We want, the -Em (Easy Mode) removed from the WC3 TFT funmap Dota Allstars! Help us to save DotA! read more
Vickers Elementary is the host campus to the Children from The Devereux Facility and the A.B.L.E program. The children from… read more
We, the undersigned, petition the supervisors of West Providence Township to condemn and have removed the house located at Hollar's… read more