In the 900 Block of Newport, between Monmuth Street and Saratoga Street residents are having constant trouble finding parking places… read more
Faculty and Staff have to pay $90.00 for one car and an extra $10.00 for another car to park in… read more
This petition is to help save the Oran Z Pan African Black Facts and Wax Museum, 3742 W. Martin Luther… read more
There is no handicap parking on the west side of the Shawnee Mission South stadium which makes the stadium hard… read more
Sequoia Management Company recently repaved the parking areas of Belmont Station. In doing so, the parking space numbering was also… read more
Santa Barbara has bike paths on State and Bath. But only one street perpendicular to State has a bike path… read more
Over the past several months, numerous vehicles have been parking on our road. Our road is only wide enough for… read more
We, the residents of Elena Court are requesting that the Board of Directors pass a resolution that allows the residents… read more
Verde Valley Christian Church plans to develop a worship center in a quiet neighborhood where neither the roadways nor the… read more
July 12, 2005: Residents oppose the addition of a proposed two-story parking structure at a neighboring car dealership. Residents request… read more