We would like to request a few minutes of your time to address a critical problem that, with your help,… read more
We 400 million Urban residents of India are constantly barraged by unwanted intrusive traffic noises, especially honking 24/7. It severely… read more
Increasingly, patients in hospital wards, and in hospital and doctor's waiting rooms are being forced to listen, either to other… read more
Kemble Airfield will be served with an enforcement order to stop illegal flying. Cotswold District Council says many aircraft using… read more
Buskers playing the bagpipes on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh are a great nuisance to people who live and work… read more
The selfish and reckless determination of many owners to keep domestic dogs under circumstances which are entirely unnatural to a… read more
Due to a sound assessment done 17 years ago, many of the units in our co-op do not have central… read more
Finally, after many years of ‘sport bikes’ using the public highways in the Kennet district achieving the highest speeds possible… read more
Too many live music venues are being shut down or having massive noise restrictions put on them all over the… read more
Mile One Urban tavern located at 1140 10th Ave SW is planning on erecting a tented beer garden during stampede… read more