KRA is an incredible Japanese Rock band mixing punk, indie rock, and funk all into an incredible milkshake. They move… read more
Rolling Stone devotes to many topics one of them being MUSIC. Rolling Stone acknowledges musicians on their cover who have… read more
The Reading Festival from its origins used to begin with a performance by a local rock band. Latterly, this tradition… read more
We all know that Super Junior are the greatest K-Pop group of all time. Sign the petition to bring them… read more
I am calling on the X-Factor producers and Simon Cowell to Fire Nicole Scherzinger, she obviously does not know how… read more
From the person who brought you and succeeded with the 'Bring The Mars Volta to Adelaide' Petition comes his most… read more
The local community makes the efforts of the local music entertainment industry difficult due to city noise ordinance limitations combined… read more
Not only did 2011 see the sudden death of Joe Gentile, but the removal of intelligent programming and music from… read more
This is Nicole Smith, fiancee of Martin Linenko Jr, aka Yae Neech. Martin has never been a threat to the… read more
L'Autan promotes not only music but also cultural diversity! read more