Because the Sahara is Moroccan, today and forever, we support the Moroccan Autonomy Plan endorsed by the International community. The… read more
The Association des Facebookers Marocains (AFAM) will call on the Government of the United States of America to designate the… read more
IFNI airport was built by the Spanish authority as well as all the city and has played a significant roll… read more
Lettre ouverte aux participants à la 4ème session de la Conférence des États parties à la Convention des Nations Unies… read more
The arrest of Rachid Nini was unfair as it was clearly a political message of punishment sent by those who… read more
On August 12, Ayoub Madni, a 19 year-old young man died in Le Diamant Vert swimming pool, Fès, Morocco, because… read more
نحن الموقعون أسفله سكان شمال إفريقيا أمازيغيو اللسان و الهوية والثقافة و الإنتماء إلى أرض الأجداد… read more
Morocco: Free Student Imprisoned for ‘Insulting’ King Despite 2011 Constitutional Guarantees, Repressive Laws Still in Force HRW JULY 16, 2013… read more
Suite à la grâce dont bénéficia le pédophile Espagnol ayant violé 11 enfants Marocains, nous appelons à la signature de… read more
Since October 2017, two shooting raids of street dogs in the area frightened tourists and locals and indiscriminately killed and… read more