Hawaii passed the Medical Marijuana law in 2000, but has never set up a safe and legal way for the… read more
In the Hawaii Region of Kaiser Permanente, physicians are not allowed to recommend medical marijuana for their patients by regional… read more
The Honolulu Police Department does not currently have a concise written policy concerning medical marijuana, which leaves gray areas in… read more
We as advocates demand that our U.S. Attorney dismiss this vindictive case against the Fiel family in the interest of… read more
Despite President Obama's statement on policy regarding Medical Cannabis, Melinda Haag, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Northern California,… read more
Legalise the use of Cannabis for medical purposes. Stop the Zero Tolerance of Pain and Suffering! (Target Signatures 10,000 -… read more
It is both criminal and disgusting that millions of people around the world are suffering needlessly because of global pharmaceutical… read more
City of Flora wants to sell property to Deerpath Development for the building of a medical marijuana cultivation plant in… read more