Balliet Elementary school is without a cafeteria, the children have to eat in their classrooms or hallway. They have no… read more
We are asking for the Billerica Public School Board to eliminate homework assigned over vacation as most students are on… read more
The other animals humans eat, use in science, hunt, trap, and exploit in a variety of ways, have a life… read more
Magnolia St in dorchester is a long hill like street. On my street theres alot of loving families with alot… read more
S. 18, ‘An Act Relative to Pandemic and Disaster Preparation and Response in The Commonwealth. The citizens of the Commonwealth… read more
Whereas, the public health concerns of existing outdoor wood boilers are well documented and recognized by the Massachusetts Department of… read more
Massachusetts is one of only 9 states in the US that bans stun guns and tasers for personal protection and… read more
FreeThinkUS, is a relatively new grassroots group of ordinary, concerned citizens whose first order of business is to present the… read more
We The People, Of FreeThinkUS, and of this Great Nation request that Our Representatives End Illegal Immigration and all its… read more