Zašto je tako naglo biljka strpana iza rešetaka? Zašto je o njoj tako naglo stvoreno negativno mišljenje? Zašto je, i… read more
The Truth About Marijuana: The debate over the legalization of Cannabis Sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, has been one… read more
Driven by the Drug War, the U.S. prison population is six to ten times as high as most Western European… read more
For many years people have been waiting to be able to use marijuana in peace, for religious, medical and recreational… read more
This Petition is for the Legalization of Marijuana. Below are some of the following points I would like to you… read more
It is time for a change. As marijuana's many benefits become exploited, the government continues to turn its head and… read more
I think that marijuana should be legalized because the cannabis plant can be used for all types of purposes. For… read more
Marijuana has been illegal in the United States and Canada since 1930. For most of human history, hemp has been… read more