Two proposals have been forwarded to our local Brandon Youth Hockey Association (BYHA) to request the formation of a stand… read more
We the United Miners of the Etheridge Shire, draw to your attention the unfair, illegal and unjustified rate increases -… read more
Speed Limits in the Brockhill area of Redditch are being regularly ignored. Of particular concern are the following roads: The… read more
The proposed development of the 'Old School house' and cark park areas will have devastating effect on the local community.… read more
How can we not see the possibility of our youth rights being violated at these Job Corps Facilities.… read more
Many local people living in the Kirklees Council area are opposed to council plans to abolish their weekly rubbish collection… read more
SAVE BATH’S GREEN CORRIDOR! The Proposal: £54 million of government money may be awarded to the City of Bath for… read more
Ok we dream of playing at one of our hometown's biggest gigs and we feel that there's more interest of… read more
Local countryside is under threat of development. We live in a lovely part of the country and don't want this… read more
This petition has been actioned by Hammersmith & Fulham Coalition against Community Cuts (HAFCAC) Hammersmith and Fulham Council are seeking… read more