They are banning people for no good reason. It should stop. Keep the internet free. Do not let the socialists… read more
Pop ups are reallly annoying, so i want to make a petition to GET RID OF THEM. read more
The .cw Campaign is calling for a Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) to be created for Wales on the… read more
This petition from the students of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Department of Counseling/Human and Organizational Studies… read more
We have all heard about the growing number of gamblers over these past few years. This is largely due to… read more
This petition is for all those internet forum users sick of reading 'Txt tlk' read more
In the Fall 2004 Semester, Internet access was cut off for Resident Advisors on duty in the residents halls at… read more
When Telstra wired our estate they used a type of pair gain system called a RIM. Basically our phonelines are… read more
PÉTITION POUR RECEVOIR L'ADSL À SOUTERNON Madame, Monsieur, Quel que soit l'usage que l'on fait d'Internet, familial, ludique ou professionnel,… read more
Sandy, Utah, March 24, 2005 - Finally a foundation determined and dedicated to rid our homes and work places from… read more