Legalise the use of Cannabis for medical purposes. Stop the Zero Tolerance of Pain and Suffering! (Target Signatures 10,000 -… read more
The health, safety & human rights of South Australian Sex Workers are compromised/negated under the laws set down in the… read more
I am hoping to find support to help my children, and myself being able to start a new life in… read more
Mothers are the primary carers everywhere in the world. Caring for children, sick, disabled and elderly people is work vital… read more
We have documented proof of MR Orashia Glenroy Edwards bi-sexual orientation from his family and friends also his minister and… read more
The Macedonian-speaking population in Greece is indigenous to the land, and their Macedonian language holds an vital place in their… read more
Brazil has advanced greatly in recent years. On the one hand, it has become a model of democracy for Latin… read more
I'm am tired of my neighbors telling Me and my other neighbors we cannot ride on our road back in… read more
Occupy-Science and Occupy love groups with New World Organizations including New Arab Organizations request open documentation for future war crimes… read more
May 30, 2013: Recently retired former spokesperson of Iran Teachers' Union, Mahmoud Beheshti, who is currently out on 150 Million… read more