Throughout the anime of Hetalia, no two characters have had the most beautiful and also painful memories as England and… read more
This proposal states the reasons why Funimation should create a HetaOni movie. The series captivates the audience, and Funimation would… read more
I believe that it would be of interest to create a fighting Hetalia game, similar to fighting games like Mortal… read more
This Petition states why Studio DEEN should create Hetaoni. Hetaoni has just about as many fans as Hetalia: Axis Powers… read more
The Gakuen Hetalia games were released in March 2011 and March 2012 in Japanese. The series and the manga continue… read more
There's a game called HetaOni. Its based off of AnOni, with the twist of the nations from Hetalia going in… read more