Old Man Boro has his best friend Linda who is an 18 Month old Kelpie and they both desperately require… read more
Ive been playing ourworld since 2011. Ourworld Zoe is who took a look at my ticket. Ive never had problems… read more
I have been researching date rape and sexual assault for the past couple of months, according to a popular article,… read more
As college tuition has been on the rise, so has the number of people and entering and graduation colleges. However,… read more
Due to the recent suicides in our community, (Coatesville,PA) , a group of Coatesville Senior High School alumni have started… read more
Here are just a few links to justify any info given. http://www.asam.org/docs/default-source/advocacy/opioid-addiction-disease-facts-figures.pdf https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/data/heroin.html read more
The Mexican government should help stop the vaquitas from going extinct. There should be stricter laws on fishing nets. The… read more
We live in what could be a wonderful community. This is however not the case due to some residents who… read more
Hello, I have a friend who lives in Belgium and is greatly suffering from a law she cannot change on… read more
The Howard Beach Citizens Safety Patrol is a official non-for-profit organization that works on quality of life issues and patrols… read more