We are suffering increasing attacks from terrorists, kidnappers, hijackers, violent robbers, rapists, rogue law enforcement and military and other criminal… read more
Save our kids. Save their Lives! No more tragedies like Tamir Rice. http://www.ohio.com/news/break-news/12-year-old-with-fake-gun-dies-after-being-shot-by-cleveland-officer-1.543698 Too many senseless and completely preventable tragedies… read more
This is a petition to ask for South Carolina to approve the upcoming vote on Constitutional Carry of all guns. read more
On July 16, 2015 four marines and one sailor were gunned down in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The current investigation is taking… read more
My petition is to support open gun carry for SC. With my proposal it will bring revenue to South Carolina… read more
Our nation has suffered too much at the hands of dangerous people who use guns to commit horrific acts of… read more
We are calling on Steve Lee to throw his hat into the ring and run for federal parliament. Our reasons… read more
Dear Governor Nathan Deal, I oppose HB 859, which would force Georgia's public college and university campuses to allow loaded,… read more
You heartlessly stated to the Daily News that the families of the Sandy Hook victims have no right to sue… read more
The families of gun violence victims will not accept an apology from you Senator Sanders for your pro gun votes.… read more