The Australia Federal Government is at long last responding to the anomaly surrounding generic drugs. At present nearly 70 of… read more
This is the online version of a paper petition circulating in N.E. Pa. The form of government we have enjoyed… read more
What kind of a government pays it's unemployed more to stay home than it does students to further themselves? Why… read more
Did you know that (as of 6/98) BLM "official" figures show that there are only about 42,000 wild horses and… read more
Whereas, In a matter of weeks a contract which will see the sale of the Federal Government's Comland, the owner… read more
The 1996 (DOMA) Defense of Marriage Act was enacted into law. This law clearly states that the definition of marriage… read more
The nation is clearly founded upon Christian principles and beliefs. Why turn away from the principles that has so clearly… read more
Congress is about to begin voting on the FMA (Federal Marriage Ammendment). The FMA discriminates against homosexuals who wish to… read more
Peter King has been the Liberal Party sitting member of the Australian House of Representives for the Sydney seat of… read more
In too many cases, California fathers end up paying child support on other men's children AND DON'T KNOW IT! Often… read more