Recently announced Metal Gear Solid Collection feature MGS 1-3 has only been confirmed for a Japan release and not EU… read more
The number of Jrock (Japanese rock) fans in Europe are multiplying just as fast as America, although it has been… read more
Hyde has been a more-than-successful artist in Japan, being in a band known as L'Arc~en~Ciel for longer than 15 years.… read more
Petição na qual se pede à Assembleia da República que aprove e implemente uma nova lei de protecção dos animais… read more
FR : Nous voulons (enfin), que SONY nous ouvre les portes de l'utilisation des homebrews (programme fait maison par des… read more
The use of double collars has increased 100% in the last six months in the Paris branch of The Senlis… read more
WORLD CONGRESS OF FAMILIES WARNS SWEDEN AGAINST SAME-SEX MARRIAGE World Congress of Families Global Coordinator Allan Carlson cautioned Sweden against… read more
A petition of the people of Cornwall calling to have their say on the EU Reform Treaty by way of… read more
En 2007, une étude présentée par la Commission Européenne de Bruxelles a mis en évidence l'impact favorable que les FLOSS… read more
Petition [EN]: We, European citizens of all origins and of all political persuasions, wish to express our total opposition… read more