Alright, So. I'm What You Would Call "Gothic" And Day By Day, I Get Told At School That I Can't… read more
Im sure everybody is excited to go to a new school..But when you here"OH and it is a lovely uniform"Your… read more
My school wants to force its students to wear the same boring uniform. At the moment the school is quite… read more
Peppers Beef and Seafood has a very comfortable atmosphere. Our customers come here for the great food, friendly service and… read more
I am starting this petition to change the current dress code policy. I would like the policy of requiring nylons… read more
In California, there are special laws protecting the free speech rights of students in public and private high school (California… read more
This petition is reserved to students, parents (or guardians) and teachers of Livingston Parish schools. All signers are subject to… read more
On a Wednesday morning on August 5th, 2009, numerous students of Henderson County High School were sent home or otherwise… read more
We are a public school yet we want a uniform, and we don't want it for upper classmen, we want… read more
Back on April 20th of 2010, Diana Lagotic, Director of Elementary Curriculum, called for the repeal of Policy 5511.01. This… read more