Bradford College UK decided to remove me as a student because I have a medical condition called ADHD hyperactivity disorder.… read more
This is Loreena Minaudo, and thanks to Rep Leon Drolet and Rep Fred Miller who made it possible for Bill… read more
June 20, 2006 In Early August Here In Los Angeles, I, The Petition Writer, Disabled, Was trying to take the… read more
West Kingsdown has had a very popular bus service scrapped by the conservative party in 2002 leaving those elderly and… read more
UN Convention on the Rights of the Disabled, which Pakistan has not signed. read more
Barrier to accessibility is a Social/Legal Discrimination of the Physically Disabled People. As most of the outlets have a flight… read more
This petition has been actioned by Hammersmith & Fulham Coalition against Community Cuts (HAFCAC) Hammersmith and Fulham Council are seeking… read more
People in Buffalo county that are disabled or of the age of Senior acceptance only receive ten dollars in food… read more
Disabled people and those in receipt of Incapacity Benefit should receive the same Council Tax Benefit Award as those in… read more
Grant a liver transplant for dying musician at the University of Washington Medical Center who are withholding surgery for patient’s… read more