Since his election into office as the Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper has created many false promises about fighting climate… read more
Forests in particular rainforests, are the lungs of our earth taking in co2 greenhouse gases and locking it away in… read more
Hi everyone. As a Virginia Tech engineer, Virginia native and first-time attendee of an 'environmental' conference of any kind, I… read more
Climate change (once called global warming) is rewriting weather patterns around the world, increasing the frequency of floods and extremely… read more
From December 3rd – 14th, world leaders will be meeting in Bali for the UN climate change conference where the… read more
SOS Klima - Klimaschutz betrifft uns alle! Fordern Sie von Ihren Nationalratsabgeordneten ein Klimaschutzgesetz im Verfassungsrang! Lassen Sie uns… read more
So many people these days seem to think that the environment is none of their business. They carry on putting… read more
If it is assumed true that a man-made Global Warming phenomenon is potentially catastrophic then it makes no sense that… read more
At first they called it Global Warming and now it is called climate change. It is a scam and the… read more
There is an urgent need to address climate change. We need better alternative energy solutions to practically reduce road traffic… read more