Historically, the Child and Family Services Division (Division) has delegated foster parent recruitment, training activities and retention to Family Resource… read more
We, the undersigned, call on all law makers to change the sentencing laws for child molesters. Child molestation is a… read more
Its simple. It shouldnt be so hard to have pages that are obviously bordering on child pornography removed from facebook.… read more
(Texto de la petición en español: http://www.realfoodforkidsmontgomery.org/petition.htm) We, the undersigned, lend our support to Real Food for Kids – Montgomery… read more
Indigenous Peoples have the right to keep their children at home. Indigenous Peoples have traditional ways of caring for their… read more
In the 90s the football pitch was removed to make way for new houses, then the park just off old… read more
A petition to the UK Education Department to seriously consider making Christian Teaching mandatory in infant, junior and secondary schools… read more
Our concern is Health and Industry Canada's relaxed safety standards for human exposure to electromagnetic radiation and in particular the… read more
There is only one public playground for children in downtown of Old Quebec (Vieux Quebec) at the Parc de l'Esplanade.… read more
Self Employed: Avoiding Child Maintenance Payments Responsible department: Department for Work and Pensions To develop a system which gives the… read more