Due to the recent fatal bus accident in NSW, September 2012, it is crucial that all public transport, particularly school… read more
PARENTS already struggling with the rising cost of living now face increased school fees after the state government yesterday slashed… read more
Thousands of children are being removed from their loving parents and forcibly adopted under very suspicious circumstances by the secret… read more
Pedophiles are not getting harsh enough sentences. They are given slaps on the wrist and are often free to re-offend… read more
Often people are told they are not guaranteed the same rights and opportunities as everyone else because of how they… read more
Children in father-absent homes are almost four times more likely to be poor. In 2011, 12 percent of children in… read more
Georgia leads the NATION in child-fatalities related to school bus loading/unloading zones. (source: National School Bus Loading and Unloading Survey).… read more
A new law needs to be put in place that all people dealing with the public especially when it comes… read more
After almost three years in foster care, I was awarded custody of my great niece and nephew. At ages 1… read more
Facebook is the most used social network on the world wide web today with an average of approximately 1.01 Billion… read more