Lately rodent images are being more and more often showed across all media, including TV, despite that many people find… read more
Internet chat-rooms have risen to prominence in the past decade or so. Initially they were a great thing, and one… read more - Visit this web address and see what happens when a school bus rolls over on its side with… read more
The strikes in South Africa are busy destroying our country. Our children have no education, medical care is not available,… read more
B&NES council have announced plans to cut over 40% from the budget of the council's Youth service, just two years… read more
On behalf of a number of residences north of Bloor Street West and the surrounding area I wanted to bring… read more
In 2004, Parliament responded to the urgent need for medicines in many developing countries by creating “Canada’s Access to Medicines… read more
The earth shook once, it was 4:53 in the afternoon. It was suppose to be a regular day. I was… read more
"Who would force major changes in schools where the kids are making major progress? And who would do this without… read more
In May 2007 the Labour administration launched 'Aiming High for Disabled Children: Better support for families' to improve service provision… read more