Currently children who are in special education are still presented to the student body and public in a separate category… read more
Anti-Bullying Harassment Act, H.R.975 Latest Title: Anti-Bullying and Harassment Act of 2011 Sponsor: Rep Davis, Danny K. [IL-7] (introduced 3/9/2011)… read more
Stop Idol Minded Teenagers & All Minors From Posting Fights, Bullying, Harassement, Etc. Youth Should Do Learning Activities On Line… read more
Bullying is the biggest problem in every school. It is not fair to anyone to make them feel worthless, or… read more
My daughter has just finished her 5th grade year at Lincoln School of Excellence with the Forrest City School District… read more
Every single day i can't help but see somebody being bullied online. It hurts to see how heartless one person… read more
Tori Nakol Swoape was a 15 year old girl who was being bullied by her peers and school personnel. On… read more
Alberta currently does not have full legislation documenting workplace bullying as a major health and workplace concern. There are currently… read more
I instructed a UK law firm to undertake a property transaction, and paid them several thousands of pounds to do… read more
It is disgusting to see what some people say about disabled people and I believe it should be illegal. For… read more