Rugar, a beloved and devoted family dog, was shot in the face on Monday, July 9th and left to suffer… read more
Across the country, there is wide disparity among shelters and their application of desexing. Problems stemming from inadequate training, insufficient… read more
The Los Angeles County Fair is hosting a traveling bear act called Welde's Big Bear show. Welde’s act is cruel… read more
We demand HARSHER PENALTIES for ANIMAL CRUELTY worldwide! When we protect our animals, we then are also protecting our society… read more
WHEREAS, Communities throughout the United States of America have successfully established Ordinances, Regulations, and/or Laws prohibiting the sale of commercially… read more
The Red Lion Abattoir has slaughtered horses while they were not humanely killed. read more
(Version française plus bas) « Farida Khan » regularly publishes cruel pictures and videos of herself on facebook and youtube… read more
The Government of British Columbia currently uses killing neck snares targeting wolves and other apex carnivores as part of their… read more
If you have an iPhone, iPad or other Apple device, and search "hunting" under "apps", you will find loads of… read more
Thousands of puppies and breeding dogs suffer every day living in confined spaces with no acess to run or interact… read more