SPMUDA Africa believes that we are all mothers to every child in Africa and it is their right to have… read more
Jungle justice has been an ongoing trend in Nigeria. The Government is doing little or nothing about it and so… read more
My mother who is an American Citizen went on vacation to Eritrea, Africa nearly three years ago and has not… read more
WAKE UP AUSTRALIA: The worlds' most volatile disease is a global emergency and is not confined to African nations. This… read more
La République du Cabinda connue comme ex-Congo Portugais, Protectorat Portugais selon la base du Traité luso-cabindaise de Simulambuco du 1885,… read more
Today, more than 20 million people die each year due to inequalities in global health. More tan 150 million people… read more
We Say NO TO xenophobia! No to all of this! We are all one Africa! Xenophobia is the unreasoned fear… read more
FIFA needs extensive reforms, a transparent body corporate to revive the credibility and transparency of the organization. FIFA needs a… read more
There is League Championship Series in the United States of America, Europe and Asia but no similar competitions in Africa.… read more
You guys would not believe how unlucky we are, like no-one ever comes here (Nigeria) the only place stars go… read more