ABC Family has taken a hit television show , S Club 7, off their schedule, and refuses to put it… read more
Hello. I am a resident of Harleysville, PA. This petition is directed in the direction of kids everywhere, skateboarders, and… read more
Foy decades, the "Loony Tunes" character, such favorites as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Tweety Bird, and Wile E. Coyote have… read more
一個動漫館,有個展館,有個播映廳,有個有蓋動漫廣場,有個會議室,有個禮堂,有點演講廳,你還想像到應該有什麼設施嗎? 如果你是一個同人作家,可能你會覺得: 同人展搞極都只係在匯星,大極有限,同廣州YMCA冇得比,而且黎黎去去都是動漫迷之中的同人愛好者,小圈子永無發圍之日, 不緊要,西九有個Hall,夠大吧! 想將你的作品公諸於世,有出頭的一天?西九動漫館的HALL係你的天地 你的作品都可以搞展覽?西九動漫館的展館滿足到你! 你只是Cosplayer? 不緊要,動漫館是你的基地,成個西九文化區都是你的天地,任你自由行,夠大之餘,公眾都可以感染到你們的氛圍!西九搞個動漫祭夠盛大吧! 你兩樣都不是? 西九動漫館都岩你,有各式各樣的活動可以在動漫館搞, 例如搞下歌唱比賽、動漫歌曲Concert、動漫電影首映, 還可能搞個專題展覽,展出你們心愛的figure等精品, 或者講下動漫經,同動漫迷、海外人士和公眾公開交流對動漫文化的看法。 終有一天,西九動漫館將會成為動漫文化其中一個搖籃, 動漫將不被歧視,香港的動漫文化將會百花齊放! 本會建議的設施有無限的可能,而你都可以發揮創意,提出可行的想像,齊來建設香港人的動漫西九。 文學界也帶頭在西九爭奪勢力範圍,受議員支持, 咁大件肥豬肉在面前都不爭取,難道要我們做懦夫? 就在八月中,西九第二期諮詢就會開展, 到時政府有三大建議方案,一定排斥動漫,… read more
Sanjaya Malakar may not be able to sing but since when did American Idol start being a singing competition again? read more
Neopets should make a game. At least a PC game! read more
This petition is aimed at banning the release in australia and eventually all around the world of britney spears' video… read more
Speak Life” was developed by Heber Springs Teens in response to a growing need to support the children in our… read more
Camp Howdy In British Columbia, Has been catoring to childen age 6-16 for over 57 years, and now the president… read more
January 26, 2006 I have ten piercings total, but they won't let me wear them in school. I am 17.… read more