The Pingle School shows no respect to ex-pupil who was killed in the marines. His niece wears a "Help for… read more
There is an article in the query in the New York Times that tells about a senator submitting a bill… read more
On July 16, 2015 four marines and one sailor were gunned down in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The current investigation is taking… read more
The intent of the petition is to get veterans who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) proper treatment. It… read more
Зар ћемо у НАТО који нам цепа државу?
This year sees the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), The governments of the… read more
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (TBMM) Türk Askerinin Lübnan'a gönderilmesini kabul etti. read more
This is a sick, vile, disgusting page that should never be allowed for obvious reasons. It contradicts Facebooks policy and… read more
Military personnel and dependants that occupy services accomodation should have the right to request quicker response times to faults with… read more
Valley marine calls himself to duty at an Elementary school. Sgt. Craig Pusley wears his desert camo fatigues... no weapons...… read more