The Gold Coast City Council is proposing to charge Hope Island rate payers for the construction of the two Sickle… read more
We need your help to stop the Town of Claremont imposing massive fees on participants of community events at Claremont… read more
Glasgow City Council Executive Committee at its meeting on 11 December 2014 allocated £115 million of the Council's 'Integrated Grant… read more
The City of Regina has proposed closing several of the public pools in the city and, potentially, replacing them with… read more
Željko Malnar je autor preko 70 dokumentarnih filmova i reportaža iz Turske, Jordana, Iraka, Irana, Afganistana, Pakistana, Indije, Šri Lanke,… read more
Massive Gypsy and Travellers Site Planned for Earlsfield!!! The plans Wandsworth council have tried to keep quiet, House prices to… read more
The Whittier Narrows Natural Area and Nature Center, a wildlife sanctuary founded in 1939 on the San Gabriel River in… read more
Considerando que a coligação Mais Sintra (PSD/CDS- PP), quer deslocar a feira de Agualva da Quinta do Ulmeiro para o… read more
The Village of Barrington Hills wants to adopt an Exterior Lighting Ordinance that will significantly restrict residents' rights to make… read more
The Clarence City Council is currently reviewing a range of issues and proposing some changes to the way in which… read more